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Legal Notices

RCS registration number 422 322 479 R.C.S. Paris

Date of registration: 30/07/2015

Transfer from Nanterre Trade and Companies Register on 01/07/2015

Original registration date: 23/03/1999


Legal form: Société par actions simplifiée

Share capital: EUR 68,100.00

Registered office address: 23/25 rue Notre-Dame des Victoires 75002 Paris

Standard telephone number: +33 (0)1 41 34 20 00

PCO telephone number: +33 (0)1 70 94 65 35


Main activities: Organisation of trade fairs, exhibitions and conferences

Duration of legal entity: Until 23/03/2098

Intracommunity VAT no.: FR 09 422 322 479

SIRET NUMBER: 422 322 479 00037

APE Code: 8230Z


Registry of the Paris Commercial Court

1 Quai de la Corse

75198 PARIS CEDEX 04


Site publication manager: Hopscotch Congrès


Site host (please modify if it is not OVH - for example, if it is the customer who took the URL directly, see who hosts it): 


2 rue kellermann

BP 80157

59053 Roubaix Cedex - France

SAS with capital of €10,059,500.00

RCS LILLE METROPOLE 424 761 419 00045

APE code 2620Z

VAT N° FR22424761419


Entrepreneur of live performances declaration no:  PLATESV-D-2024-008391

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